Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Hi friends!
    I'm writing today to ask you to give me any advise on how to spruce up my blog page.  I really want to learn how to add things like a signature at the bottom of my posts, a banner, a new background, etc. 
    I know a few of you have "pretty" blogs and I'm hoping  you can give me some advise.  I really don't want to be spending over $100 for someone to design my page for me.  That's the problem I keep running into when searching google. I want to be able to do it on my own if possible.
    I hope by making these changes I will have more followers and be more excited to post things going on in my everyday life. I have so many things I want to write about!
   Thank you for any advise you can give!! :)


  1. Everything you need to know, you can find on YouTube. If you are willing to hunt and search, it's all there.If you need something specific, you can email me....I have probably stumbled across it even though I don't tinker with my own. Oh, and you can start by taking down your word verification. :)

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me! I'm obsessed with your blog so it means a lot to me that you replied! I collect watercolors of places I have traveled so when I went to your page for the first time and saw the one of your house I squeeled!
      Anyway...I did take the word verification down and added a signature today! Thanks again!!

    2. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me! I'm obsessed with your blog so it means a lot to me that you replied! I collect watercolors of places I have traveled so when I went to your page for the first time and saw the one of your house I squeeled!
      Anyway...I did take the word verification down and added a signature today! Thanks again!!
